We All need a Saviour...


Salvation and restored relationship with God are GIFTS that we can simply CHOOSE to receive!

Salvation is the assurance that you will live forever (eternal life) and the promise of an intimate, loving relationship with God that begins when we simply accept this free gift.The Bible says that Jesus is the ONLY way to salvation and right standing with God. His death and resurrection cleared the path for us to return to full relationship with Father God. All that we need to do is believe that Jesus is the Son of God, repent for our sins (express that we are sorry and turn away from living our lives in that way) and receive Him as our Lord (authority) and Saviour. No one can force you to do this. It must be done willingly and without shame

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

- Romans 10:9 (NIV)

When you choose to receive and acknowledge Jesus before others, the Bible tells us that He in turn, receives and acknowledges us before His Father in Heaven! This is the miracle of salvation—so simple but so life-changing!

He pioneers several creative websites, where he connects young talents from all parts of the country and organizing creative workshops. Jacinth along with the band, tour different cities of India with the aim of touching the heart of the lost and leading them to the truth.

We went about naming outselves after Acts 1:8. Eventually we discovered that we could do more than just playing and composing music. Having learnt audio and video production from a very young age, I have always taken care of our own media production. Some amazing and talented people joined us in 2014 and we launched Witnesswide Production officially. It was a year later that we launched the iBand, Witnesswidetv, Let’s Pray and Creative Witnesswide.

Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven

Matthew 10:32 (NIV)

Maybe you have never heard this ‘good news’ before and made the choice to receive and follow Jesus. Maybe you are not sure where you stand with God right now. Maybe you once knew Him but have wandered away from the relationship. The truth is that you can make things right TODAY and be certain that you are in right standing with God. The choice to turn away from sin and follow Jesus is the most important choice that you will ever make and one that will turn your life around for good! But the choice is yours to make. 

The choice is…


If you would like to receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour today, pray this simple prayer and mean it in your heart:

- The Salvation Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to you in the Name of Jesus.
I believe that Jesus is Your Son and He died on the cross to take away
my sins.
So I ask You to forgive me of all of my sins.
I believe that Jesus rose from the grave to give me eternal life.
Today I step into right relationship with You through my faith in Jesus
and His completed work on the cross.
I am now Your child.
So I ask you Lord Jesus to come into my heart,
come into my life, become my Lord,
my Saviour and my Best Friend.
In Jesus name I pray,


If you prayed the salvation prayer and meant it, congratulations! You are going to need some help in getting started on your amazing journey with God, so please let us connect with you and walk the journey together. Let us know that you have received Jesus and our team will be in contact soon.

A New Beginning!