About the

Jesus came to serve and not to be served. The Bible commands each and everyone of us to clothe ourselves with Compassion in Colossians 3:12. Our mission is to take this message to the Church and encourage people of all age groups- young and old to put on the robe of Compassion and Love to serve the ones who need us as WE ARE THE HANDS AND FEET OF JESUS CHRIST!

"The more we know Him, the more we Love, the more we Love, the more we want to Serve, the more we Serve, the more we want to Give, the more we Give, the more we will Live."

Compassion 2022

The entire package consists of a worship set, testimony time and an inspirational message by
Jasper Paul, the founder of Second Chance Home for the Dying which will include practical
and Biblical insights on how to be involved in the Mission of mercy and justice.

The duration is about two hours. At the end, the members of the Church will be
challenged to take up this cause of mercy and justice which is so near to our Lord’s heart.

Our Team

Worship Team

Jasper Worship Leader
Sabitha Lead Vocals
Jacinth Keyboards
Daniel Lead Guitar
Sam Bass Guitar
Simeon Drums
Swaroopa Backup Vocals
Evangeline Backup Vocals

Media and Tech Team

If you would like to have us at your church, please fill up this form and click BOOK THE BAND.

At that time we will receive your responses and will then be able to follow-up with additional questions and work towards a proposal.

Are your dates Specific or Flexible?

Will this be a Ticketed Event?

Does the venue have Projection Screens and an adequate Sound System?

Which best describes your preference?

Will you be able to promote the event through local and social media?

As for a fee, it can be negotiated for each individual concert situation. Our objective is to meet our operating expenses per concert plus travel costs which include meals, lodging and transportation. Additional expenses to be considered include the facility rental, production and promotion. Please consider all of these costs while planning for the event.

I understand

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